Thursday, May 8, 2008

formula of solving worry problems.

“How to stop worrying and start living.” This is one of the books that my bro-in law has handed it to me while I was in Hong Kong. “ Finish this book before you go back to Malaysia!!” this is what he ordered me to do, as usual. This book has been put aside until it comes to Friday, I opened it up and started to flip it through, later, I read it with full of concentrations.
“Those who do not know how to fight worry die young.”
Worry, is the most dangerous disease, it can leads us to death, but yet, it can be cured. Undeniable, most of the human-being have been conquered by worries, those who failed to fight against it will die. For those who know how to battle against it will live, happily and freely. There’s one secret recipe which I have found and learnt from this book, this recipe can help to free you from worrying. Just 3 steps, then u can get rid of being worried.
1st step, analyze the situation fearlessly and figured out what was the worst that could possibly happen.
2nd step, after figuring out the worst, accept it.
3rd step, after accepting the worst, improve upon the worst.
Just remember this 3 steps, it can helps you to develop the immunity of fear, no fear, no worry; no worry, everything is possible.
For an instance, Alex, the one who always worried about his financial after the year of 1997. Soon, he was suffering from stomach ulcer. He refused to seek help from doctor because he doesn’t want to accept the truth. He lied on his bed throughout day and night until one day his friend gave him this book, “How to stop worrying and start living.” He has been cured right after then. He followed every steps which has been stated in that book. First of all, he thought of the worst, which is- death. There’s nothing which could be worse than death, so he started to destroy the fear that has been buried in him all this while and he began to accept his illness, he went up to the hospital and get medical help from the doctor, but his disease seemed to get worse after the delay of seeking for medical cure. Then, he said to himself, since I am ready to die, I have got nothing to be feared anymore and I have got nothing to lose. So, he followed every medical prescription which has been given by the doctor, the prescription which included the medicine that helps to cure both his mind and his illness. He lived as if every day is a new life to him, he did what he always wanted to do while he was busy with his business, he decorated his garden, he went to help up in the orphanage houses etc. After his illness was completely cured, his mind was peaceful and he was happy with his life.
Worry doesn’t benefit us, it will only damage us. Live in today, no yesterday and no tomorrow. “today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

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